The Boonah Soccer Club was established in 1993 by Robyn Gnech and husband Michael. Timothy Gnech was the first registered player. Prior to incorporation, the competition was organised by the Beaudesert Soccer Club. The club was incorporated on August 12, 1997 and joined the QCSA in 1998.
Life Members
- Robyn Gnech
- Richard Worley
- Elayne Reiser
- Catherine Milano
New members and annual sign-on
We warmly welcome new members and players to our club. Sign-on normally takes place on the first Saturday (and following Tuesday) after the Christmas school holidays. Sign-on details will be posted here on the website. Also look out for our letter-drops, notices in school newsletters and advertisements in the Fassifern Guardian.
A Junior Sport Association cannot develop or run without volunteers.
If a Coach for a particular team cannot be found, that team will not be formed and players will be disappointed. To be a Coach, previous sporting experience or soccer skills are not pre-requisites.
- A Coach must have a commitment to children, an ability to be available at training times and an ability to be available for the duration of the team’s game on Saturdays. Training for Coaches is provided when needed, free of charge.
- A team Manager must organise the team so that everything runs smoothly, they must be available at training and for games on Saturdays. Team Managers – do rosters for canteen & jersey washing duties, collect game fees, fill out game cards, check the opposing team’s I.D cards, supply a linesperson, supply an official, attend a monthly meeting and disseminate information from those meetings.
- A First Aid Person must have a currant first aid certificate.
- A Game Reporter writes a short report of the game and forwards it to The Fassifern Guardian by 9am Monday.
- Each team needs to provide a minimum of 2 Grounds People (1 for U7 & U8) to form a Grounds Committee to assist the Grounds Person Coordinators in marking out & maintaining all fields throughout the season & for setting up & marking fields for special events, for eg: Mega Sports Camp, Finals & Scenic Rim Country Cup.
- An Official must assist the Referee, in particular to maintain an appropriate standard of behaviour during the game.
- A Linesperson assists the Referee by running the side -line, each team has to supply a person every game.
For more information on volunteering for the club, please visit our Volunteering page.
Responsibilities of parents and players
Separate from the efforts of volunteers described above, caregivers of players – or the players themselves in senior teams – are expected to contribute to the team roster for washing jerseys, providing fruit at half-time, to make themselves available for canteen duties when the team is rostered to run the canteen on a home game, and assist in fundraising activities from time to time. Registration of you or your child is conditional upon meeting these expectations! If ALL caregivers and senior players lend a helping hand then the task becomes much simpler.
Alcohol and smoking
By-laws of the Queensland Christian Soccer Association prevent alcohol being consumed or sold at games. Teams whose carers and or spectators do not abide by the laws will be penalised and the club will also be penalised and fined. We ask for your cooperation in this matter.
Current smoking laws apply. Smokers, please be considerate of players and spectators and please refrain from smoking near the fields.