Due to high school games being on every Tuesday, 12-14 games will now be held on Fridays, starting as of 7th March.
No futsal games Thurs 27 Feb
Urgent notice: All Thursday 27 Feb futsal games have been postponed.
Futsal games change Tues 25th
All Tuesday 25th futsal games will be held on Thursday 27th (the games will start as what they would on a Tuesday).
Tuesday 12-14 games remaining for the season to be confirmed, once booking is finalised with high school.
Futsal games change Mon 24 Feb
All Monday 24th futsal games will be held on FRIDAY 28th (the games will start as what they would on a Monday). The high school hall is being fitted with fans, so it will not be available for use for ANY Monday 24th February Games.
Games held on Tuesday and Wednesdays are not being affected at this stage, and will go on as normal.
Soccer Coaching Clinic
We have secured the services of Tibor Hagymas – QCSA Coaching Officer to conduct a free 2 hour clinic for all past, current and future coaches on Saturday March 8 from 8.45 – 11.00 am. The clinic will be informal, no tests or exams just plenty of drills and ideas. It will cover the grassroots of coaching and is aimed at U7-U12 age group.
Please let other potential coaches know! It is also the perfect opportunity for those who recently completed a licence to brush up.
Bring a hat, sunscreen, water, enthusiasm and a open mind. You will be participating in the activities – the best way to learn and understand.
This is an ADULT/YOUNG ADULT ONLY EVENT – No children thankyou
Please RSVP to cameron@fassifernhire.com.au before 1st March 2014
Sign-on 15 Feb
Sign-on Saturday 15 February 9.00 – 11.00am
Or Register online here
All Age Groups:
- Mixed U7-U14,Girls U15-16,
- Boys U15-U16, Junior Men,
- Senior Women & Senior Men
New players welcome, please bring your birth certificate
For further information please phone Cameron 0417 617 191
If you’re after Fun, Fitness and Friendship sign on now!
***Registrations Close 12pm Midnight Sunday 16th February 2014
2014 Sign On
2014 Season Sign On will take place on two days at the Boonah Sports Complex, Coronation Park::
- Saturday 1st February 9.00 – 11.30am
- Tuesday 4th February 3.30 – 5.00pm
All Age Groups
- Mixed U7-U14
- Girls U15-16
- Boys U15-16
- Junior Men
- Senior Women
- Senior Men
Register online at our online registration page
For further information please contact Cameron 0417 617 191
AGM January 28
The Boonah Soccer Club Needs YOU!
We are still in desperate need for volunteers for the Scenic Rim Cup next Saturday 21 September. This is our most important fundraiser of the year and is an invaluable source of income for your club.
Even an hour of your time would be appreciated. If you have already put your name down on the roster, thank you for doing so, if you are able to spare any more time, please let Amanda know. Helpers for the BBQ are also still needed.
Please text Amanda on 0427 568 881 for more information or to let her know the time slots that you are available for. Time slots can begin as early as 6am and will be finishing at 6pm.
‘many hands make light work’
U13 Grand Final Winners!
Congratulations to the U13s on their GRAND FINAL win – fantastic effort! Commiserations to the U12s, they didn’t win but what a great effort to make it to the Grand Finals – congratulations also!
Member Survey
We hope you have all had an enjoyable season! To help us improve our club we are inviting all members to provide us with their feedback. We hope you can take a few minutes to complete the following member survey – no need to put your name on it, you can be anonymous. Thank you for your time!
Futsal Sign-on
Boonah Futsal Competition is having two sign-on days:
Tuesday 3 September
Tuesday 10 September
Time: 4.00 – 6.00 pm at the Boonah Sports Complex at Coronation Park.
Age Groups: 9-11 Mixed, 12-14 Mixed, Open Mixed (A and B Divisions):
- Juniors have individual sign-on (team placements – max 2 players will be accepted) – $70 (includes two shirts)
- Opens have individual or team sign-on (min of 8 players, min of 3 females) – $100
Nominations accepted for:
- Zone representative players
- Referees
- Team contacts
All enquiries phone: Cathy 5463 7582 or 0407 262 959
End of Season Break-up
Come and join us for a celebration of a great season and the 20th Year of the Boonah Soccer Club.
When: Sunday 15 September 2013 at 9.30am
Where: Coronation Park
Trophy Presentation will commence at 10.00am
Rides & BBQ lunch to follow:
Steak burger $6
Ham Burger $5
Sausage on Bread $2
RSVP to your Team’s Manager by 24 August 2013
To assist with catering we ask that you provide your Manager you’re your catering requirements as per the following example:
Jones Family
2 Steak burgers
1 Sausage on Bread
Thank you for your help and we look forward to seeing you Sunday 15 September!
Date Claimers
Get your Boonah Soccer Club embroidered bags
It’s that time again Boonah Soccer Club players! Grab a quality soccer bag with the player’s name beautifully embroidered on the top. You may have seen them proudly sported by many of our players.
Price is just $32.00 each.
(click the image for a bigger view)
Ordering info
Please download this order form, fill out and return to Annette or Phillip Cahill.
PLEASE INCLUDE MONEY WITH ORDERS or direct deposit into Account BSB 064442 /Account Number 10024294. Be sure to reference Your Family Name in the EFT transaction
Please order by 11th May 2013.
For further info please contact Annette Cahill on 0412 526934 or annette.cahill@bigpond.com
Soccer Draws Sat 13 April
Soccer Draws for Sat 13 April are now available on the QCSA website. You will notice they have a new system which is a bit different from previous years: select the fixtures tab to go to the draws and then select your club and team, check the tick box on the right to show results. Please note, team names have not yet been added but should be up soon.
Good luck to all teams on Saturday and enjoy the first game of the season!
Futsal Meeting & Sign-on
Combined Futsal meeting and sign-on for the 2013 mixed open winter comp will be held tomorrow night Wed 3 April at 6.30pm at the Boonah Sports Complex.
- Individual or Team Sign-On (Min of 8 Players – Min of 3 Females)
- $80 for New Players or $30 for Players Registered this Summer.
- All Inquiries Phone: Cathy: 54637582 / 0407262959
Registration forms, Team Nomination forms and Guide to player self-registration available here.
Futsal Meeting 3 April 6:30pm
Futsal meeting was to be Thursday night, but has been postponed till Wednesday the 3rd Of April, 6:30pm.
The meeting will be combined with Winter Sign-On for Opens.
Included in meeting will be:
- End of Summer Open Comp, update.
- Open Winter Comp re extra Opens to step up into Committee to assist to run Winter Comp.
If enough interest and help @ meeting Winter Open Comp Sign-On, will follow.
Will send out Minutes & Agenda as well as Sign-On forms ect over the weekend.
Futsal draw changes
Please note futsal draw changes for next week.
Meet your team day
This year the Club will be holding its Meet Your Team Day on Saturday 16 March, 10.00 am at the Clubhouse. We ask that all players and at least one parent attend this event.
This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow Coach, Manager, teammates and families. You’ll also have the chance to familiarise yourself with where gear is stored, how to put up and take down nets and Morning Tea is on us!
So come along and let’s get this season started.
Latest Futsal draws available
The last lot of Futsal draws are now available taking us through to the end of the season. Thanks to all coaches, managers, players and supporters for a great season!
Special General Meeting 19 Feb
A Special General Meeting will be held at the Coronation Park Clubhouse on Tuesday 19 February at 7.30pm, see you all there!
Updated futsal draw 9 -11
Please note the futsal draw for Juniors 9 – 11 has been amended: was Tuesday 14th, now reads Thursday 14th Feb.
Futsal Draws for February
Futsal Draws for the first two weeks of February are available here.
Junior rounds will finish the in the week of 18 and 22 Feb. For something a bit extra and a bit of fun, in the week of 25th Feb to 1st March will be Challenge Week – first in basis – teams can challenge another team in their age group, for 11-14 one team can challenge twice (but first in gets it).
Opens rounds will finish in the week 11th March to 15th March. 18th March to 22nd March will be Finals Week – 1 v 2, 3 v 4 and so on, the team that finishes last can challenge another team if they wish to have one last game.
Soccer sign-on days
Soccer sign-on days for the 2013 Winter season: Saturday 2 February 9.00 – 11.30am and Tuesday 5 February 4.00 – 5.30pm. We encourage all players to register online if possible. Any difficulties, please call or email Scott Moffatt: registrar@boonahsoccerclub.org.au or 0407 541 448 / 5463 1421. See you there!
Three From Boonah Futsal Represent Australia in “Tours of a Lifetime”
Selected from Australian Futsal Association National Club Titles in Sydney early 2012 , Boonah Futsal had Three players accept positions to represent Australia in National “Tours of a Lifetime”, they were Shaun Maguire – 15 Boys, Emily Hoffmann – 14 Girls & Mitchell Herrmann – 12 Boys.
Shaun went to the USA – San Jose and San Francisco from the 25th October to the 9th November. Shaun had a wonderful time. He learnt a lot of game skills. Shaun’s team came 2nd in the competition. He had a great time shopping in so many sport stores. His Mum reports he brought back 5 pairs of shoes. The Team went cycling over the golden gate bridge and went to Alcatraz. They played volleyball on the beach. They stayed mainly in San Jose.
Emily and Mitchell went to New Zealand from the 16th to the 28th November.
Emily said my experience to New Zealand was fantastic, we were able to attend an adventure park, polynesian spa, a Thermal village, Sky Tower, and a Underwater Aquarium and a Shell factory, while having the opportunity to play many tournaments along the way with the New Zealand teams. We drew two games but unfortunately lost the others. The weather was great the whole time we were over there. I would like to thank all of the people who sponsored me and gave me the opportunity to attend this tour. As I gain many life long experiences from the trip. And found the New Zealanders very friendly and they showed us their kind hospitality while on your.
Mitch’s main highlights of New Zealand were seeing snow on the mountain tops, the boiling mud and the luge ride in Rotorua , the view from the Sky Tower, however the most freakish thing was knowing that the ground could cave in at Rotorua so we had to walk on the cement pathways. I would have to say that the most awsome thing was playing futsal and 5 a side soccer throughout the tour, winning the Futsal Tournament in Auckland and the mates that I have made from this Australian Tour. The most exciting thing is knowing that I will get to meet up with my mates again that I have made from the Australian Tour at the National Futsal Tiltles in Sydney.
Mitch Herrmann #4
The Players wish to thank all who have supported and sponsored them.
Futsal Draws Oct – Dec 2012
Futsal Draws for rest of 2012 now available here.
Futsal Draws
Futsal draws for 2012-13 Summer Season now available for October:
Scenic Rim Country Cup Draws
Draws for the Scenic Rim Country Cub are now available on the QCSA web site at the bottom of the page: http://www.qcsa.org.au/?template=page&id=35
Cancelled -5-a-side Futsal Tues 25 Sept
Please note that this event has been cancelled. Stay tuned for details of a recehdule.
Great results today!
Our four Boonah finals teams had some great results in the semi/preliminary finals today:
Under 13 Division 2 – Boonah 2 defeated North Pine Crocs 1
Under 15/16 Boys Division 2 – Boonah 2 Defeated Logan Uniting 0
Under 15/16 Girls – Boonah 3 defeated Beaudesert 2
Under 10 West – Boonah United 1 drew with Whitehill Warriors 1
Congratulations to all players and good luck next week!
Futsal sign-on forms
Futsal sign-on forms are now available on the Forms & Docs page.
Viking Futsal Association has changed its name to: Australian Futsal Association
Futsal sign-on 2012-2013
Soccer Break-up
Four of our teams have made the finals – U10 United, U13, U15/16 Girls and U15/16 Boys – well done and good luck! Finals details are now available on the QCSA web site: http://www.qcsa.org.au/index.php
Scenic Rim Country Cup
Major fundraiser – All hands on deck
Newsletter May 2012
Click on the image below for a PDF (846 KB) version of the latest Newsletter:
Futsal meeting & fixtures
The next Futsal meeting will be on Monday 21 May at 6.30pm at the Boonah Sports Complex. Please send a representative from each team. There are still 2 unconfirmed spots for teams in the winter comp if any teams are interested. Open Mixed Winter Fixtures start on Monday May 28. Please direct queries to Stacy Wenzel: stacey183@hotmail.com
Working Bee Sunday 29 April
Line marking for the two large fields, mowing of the grass on the under 7/8 field and erection of the remaining goal posts will be carried out this Sunday at 29 April starting at 9am.
To get the job done we will need 2 or 3 ride on mowers, wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes. If you are able to donate your ride on for the project or have any questions please contact Tom Pressler on 0408 889 172. As always your safety is important to us and we ask that you wear closed in shoes and a hat.
We would love to have as many helpers as possible there on the day, as always many hands make light work.
Soccer Clinic
Players wanted to attend a soccer clinic in Boonah. Ages 5 & up.
Clinic will be led by Justyn McKay from Soccer X on the Gold Coast.
9am to 1pm on either Sunday May 27 or June 10 @ Coronation Park. Cost is $35/child.
My boys did this clinic on the Coast during Easter break and had a ball. Their game skills improved markedly, as did their passion for the game.
Please register your interest by emailing me – Alice Gorman c/o alice@gormanmedia.com.au
More about Soccer X at www.soccer-x.com
Fixtures draws
Fixtures start this Saturday 14 April and the draws for the first 3 weeks are now available on the QCSA website (top of page):
Please keep checking back each week as times may change. Good luck everyone, have fun and have a great season!
Futsal Open Finals Draw Week 2
Here is the draw for the second week of finals for Open Mixed Futsal teams:
Tuesday 20 March:
6.10: I v G
7.00: P v C
7.50: L v O
8.40: M v K
Wednesday 21 March:
6.10: F V D
7.00: B v H
7.50: A v N
8.40: J v E
Futsal Open Finals Week 1 Draw
Here is the draw for the first week of finals for Open Mixed Futsal teams:
Tuesday 13 March:
6.10: I v P
7.00: C v G
7.50: O v M
8.40: L v K
Wednesday 14 March:
6.10: H V D
7.00: B v F
7.50: A v E
8.40: J v N
Futsal draw changes
Please check updated draws for 9 – 11 and 12 – 14 and junior referee draw.
Jessica says Viking United Kingdom “Tour of a Lifetime” a great mix
From the Vikings National Futsal Titles held this January 2011, Jessica Milano had the honour of being selected to represent Australia, for the 15 year Girls Team, in the United Kingdom “Tour Of a Lifetime”, from 13th – 31st October 2011.
Jessica had an absolute great time, and tells “I loved the travelling, on the flight over and back we stopped over at Dubai airport it was huge and just amazing, there was so much to see just at the terminal.”
“The tour itself was tops, we got to visit King Arthurs Labyrith, the Castles, the Beatles Museum in Liverpool, the York dungeons, London Eye, Parliament House, Big Ben and Buckingham palace, the shopping was pretty good too, I would have loved more time at the Nike outlet. All the stadiums we played at and visited were outstanding, we went to games at the home grounds of Manchester City and Stoke City and visited Manchester United and Liverpool’s stadiums too.”
“The Training was great we were coached by John Owens from Liverpool FC, Manchester City Academy Coaches, Greg Strong Academy Coach from Bolton Wanderers, I thought the Everton coaches were the best. They were really good at showing us different ways of creating space, in addition to improving our skills, like turning on the ball.” I learned heaps.
“We played in 4 Futsal Tournaments and only lost one game, we also played Football (Soccer) games, the Girls played 8 aside, we only lost one of those games also. The kids over there were pretty good, after all the UK is Football, it is their main sport. So the Girls did Ok and we learned a lot from their players too.”
“We had a really good tour group, I made heaps of new friends with kids (adults too) who I wouldn’t normally have got to meet as they come from all over the country, we definitely had plenty of fun travelling around together for three weeks.” When asked if she would recommend this to anyone else who is fortunate enough to be selected the answer was a definite “YES” “Sport, Travelling and Touring is a great combination”. Jessica said.
Jessica would like to thank the Fassifern Old Boys, the Lions Club of Boonah, the QCWA Boonah Branch for their generous sponsorship. A Big thanks to Winston Hall of Mantra Group and Breakfree for donating 2 Night’s accommodation – 4 People, 2 Bedroom Deluxe Apartment, Break Free French Quarter, Noosa Heads, for Jessica to raffle. Thank you to Maureen Maynard and Quota Club of Boonah and Boonah Futsal for their support. Thank you to all who bought tickets to support Jessica, Congratulations to the winner Shaarn Eldridge.
Congratulations to Boonah Futsal Representative Players 2011/2012
Vikings Futsal Regional Titles 2011 were held from 16th to the 18th of April over the Easter school holidays. Those junior representative players from Boonah were Maddy Hoffmann, Jessica Milano, Josh Leshke, Brent Colley, Shaun Maguire, Kimberley Cahill, Emma Robinson, Dimity Comino, Emily Hoffmann, Mitchell Herrmann, Brad Reiser & Daniel Cahill.
From the weekend Jessica, Josh, Brent, Shaun, Emma, Dimity, Emily and Mitchell were selected to play in the National Titles for Queensland in Sydney in January 2012. Unfortunately due to injury Josh was unable to compete.
Vikings National Titles 2012 were held in Sydney from the 9th to the 12th of January over the Christmas, New Year school holidays.
The Boonah boys: Brent in South Queensland City 16, Shaun in South Queensland Metro 14 and Mitchell in South Queensland Capital 11, were all unlucky with their teams just missing out on playing in the Semi Finals buy 1 point.
The Boonah girls: Jessica in South Queensland 15, Dimity and Emma in Queensland Country 14, and Emily in South Queensland 13, did very well with all 3 teams winning a Grand Final.
Jessica’s team South Queensland 15 finished on 23 points in first place, they played in a 15/16 comp and were undefeated, a draw in the fourth round the only point they missed out on during the competition. Playing in a 15/16 competition the 15 Girls were eligible for both 15 and 16 Girls finals, which they played in two Semi’s and won both, then played in two Grand Finals. They won the 15 Girls Grand Final and just missed out on the 16 Girls, which went into extra time and penalty shootouts.
Dimity and Emma’s team in Queensland Country 14 finished on 18 points in second place, only losing two games during the competition. They won the 14 Girls Semi and Grand Final.
Emily’s team South Queensland 13 finished on 24 points in first place, they played in a 12/13 comp and were undefeated during the competition. They won the 13 Girls Semi and Grand Final.
Emily was also named an All Stars winner.
Congratulations to you all you did Boonah and Queensland proud.
Also Congratulations to those players who have been selected to represent Australia in National Tours, best wishes to those who are able to accept.
Urgent changes – Junior Futsal Draws
There have been some changes to the draws due to school futsal. The new junior draws and referee draws are below. Please note that today’s games (21/2/12) have been moved to Friday.
9-11 Amended Futsal Draw Feb 2012
Players needed – Futsal Regionals
There are a few spots left in the Junior Futsal Regionals held 7 – 9 April in and around Brisbane:
- 3 spots in 10s which no Boonah boys nominated, really need someone else for this team.
- 1 spot in 11s,
- 1 spot in Boonah 12s, 1 spot in Dalby 12’s
- 2 spots in 13s,
- 2 spots in 14s,
- 3 spots in 15s, really need someone else for this team.
Spread the word if you know of someone who missed out on nominating and now wishes to, or even someone who declined and now wishes to, it is not too late. Please contact Cathy Milano on 5463 7582 ASAP.
Boonah Soccer Club AGM this Tuesday 14th Feb
A reminder to all members – the Annual General Meeting of the Boonah Soccer Club will be on this Tuesday 14th Feb 7.00pm at the Boonah Sports Complex. Supper provided – all welcome.
Calling U10 players
We are currently in the process of setting up teams for the 2012 soccer season and are short on U10 players (born 2002).
If you would like to join or know someone who might like to join, please call the Boonah Soccer Club Registrar – Scott Moffatt – as soon as possible on 5463 1421 or 0407 541 448. There are only a few spots left to fill so get in quick!
Open Futsal draw amended
Please note: the Futsal Draw for the Open teams has been amended, here is the latest version:
Open Futsal Draw Jan 2012 (PDF 95KB)
Futsal Draw Jan – Mar 2012
Futsal draw now available for Jan – March 2012:
9-11 Futsal Draw Jan 2012 (PDF 36KB)
12-14 Futsal Draw Jan 2012 (PDF 36KB)
Open Futsal Draw Jan 2012 (PDF 95KB)
Soccer sign-on Membership Registration Form
If you would like to complete the Membership Registration Form and bring it along to sign-on, please find it on the Forms and Documents page.
Futsal Meeting
Next Futsal meeting is on Thursday 19 January at 7pm. Please send a representative from each team. There are imporatant changes to the 12-14 teams starting in the coming weeks, please contact your team manager for information.
Soccer Sign-on 2012
Great opportunity for U6, U7 & U8’s on NYE
Good Morning All,
At the AGM I mentioned that QCSA had secured the privilege of some of our 2011 UNDER 6 / UNDER 7 / UNDER 8 children being able to escort the BRISBANE ROAR and MELBOURNE VICTORY teams onto the playing surface of SUNCORP STADIUM on DECEMBER 31,2011.
This is now a confirmed reality and I would like to invite ALL teams with boys and girls in these three age groups that were registered in 2011 to participate in this unique opportunity. To make it fair on everyone, I would like clubs to forward me the NAMES of interested 2011 REGISTERED PLAYERS in the above age groups so I can form a ballot (if need be). We need 22 young players (given that we had over 1000 registered in 2011 this could get big)…and CONFIRMATION that their parents are willing and able to take their children to Suncorp Stadium on December 31, 2011 for a 7.45pm kick off.
The final 22 players will be given a THREE tickets to the match (one for them…and one each for their parents to attend)
And before everyone asks…The FINAL 22 players selected will all “draw straws” to see who walks on the field with Harry Kewell J
I know that this is NOT the right time of the year to be doing this, but it is very important to the QCSA that we have 22 of our junior players in attendance for this game (boys and girls), as we have also been promised the same deal at another ROAR home game later in the year (sometime in MARCH when Soccer is more so on the minds of most QCSA parents)
Please get this out to AS MANY PARENTS AS POSSIBLE so all children have an opportunity to participate in this special occasion
Best Wishes to all and Kind Regards,
Tony Scarcella
QCSA Treasurer
Futsal Meeting Mon 5 Dec 6.00pm
Futsal Meeting Monday 5 Dec at 6.00pm at the Boonah High School Hall. Can all junior teams please have a representative (or multiple) present as we will be discussing the proposed distribution of the junior teams for the beginning of next year. Players may be arranged into more even teams based on age and skill level to ensure a fair competition. Please attend if you would like to be part of this discussion.
Rescheduled Futsal Games
A draw is available for the games that were cancelled at the beginning of November which have been rescheduled to be played Thursday 1/12, Friday 2/12 and Friday 9/12. Please email Stacey Wenzel if your team is unable to play.
Become a Futsal ref!
A Futsal referee course will be held Saturday 03 December commencing at 7:30am at the Boonah High School Hall. Please email Stacey Wenzel by Tuesday 29 November if you would like to participate.
Futsal Meeting
A futsal meeting will be held Wednesday 16 November at 7pm at the Boonah Sports Complex. Please arrange for a representative from each team to attend.
Futsal games cancelled
Futsal games for this week (31 Oct to 3 Nov) have been cancelled due to the High School hall being unavailable. Games for Fri 4 Nov – TBA.
Futsal Regional Trial Nominations
Futsal Draw U12-14 and Open teams
Futsal Draw U9-11
The Futsal Draw for the U9-11 teams up to December 6 is now available here (PDF 37KB)
2011/12 Futsal Team Lists and Draw for First 3 Weeks
Below are the first three weeks of the futsal draw and the team lists. The final draw will be available once the dates been have confirmed for the high school hall availability.
Team shirts will be supplied for 9-11 and 12-14 age groups. Open teams – please bring a black and a white shirt to the game, as these will not be supplied this season.
Any queries please contact Stacy Wenzel: stacey183@hotmail.com
Scenes from the 2011 Scenic Rim Country Cup
Many thanks to all the participants, supporters and volunteers who made this year’s Scenic Rim Country Cup one of our best ever! Check out the great pics…
Working Bee Sunday 11 September
Please assist the club as it prepares for the annual Scenic Rim Country Cup by attending a working bee this Sunday the 11th of September starting at 8.00 am.
We are going to be able to have all games played at Coronation Park for the Scenic Rim Cup this year which will make things a lot easier.
But to be able to do that we need to tidy up the two fields next to the showgrounds. If this does not happen we will use the High School oval and that makes the job twice as hard so we need to make this working bee happen.
Everyone who can attend needs to bring a steel rake, a wheelbarrow and a shovel if possible. The fields have been topdressed but a machine can only do so much and we need to get the fields up to scratch.
If you can not make it make be sure you tell anyone and everyone who you know in Boonah Soccer Club about this working bee so that they can help out.
The more help we get the sooner the job will be done and we can all enjoy our afternoon.
Preliminary Finals Results and Grand Finals Information
Congratulations to the following teams for reaching the preliminary finals, a great effort from our Boonah teams!
Results for Preliminary finals played Sat 3 September:
U11 Boonah Blaze were defeated by Whitehill Hornets 2-5
U12 Boonah Broncos defeated Sunnybank Saints 10-0
U13 Boonah were defeated by St Catherines 2-3
U15/16 Boonah Boys defeated Salisbury Baptist 3-0
U15/16 Boonah Girls got to have a rest as they had already reached the grand finals.
Grand Finals games for Saturday 10 September:
All Grand Final games will be played at Redbank Plains, why not go along and support our teams and watch some great soccer!
U12 Boonah Broncos vs Beaudesert on Redbank Plains Field 6 at 10.00am
U15/16 Boonah Girls vs Silkstone Baptist on Redbank Plains Field 1 at 1.00pm
U15/16 Boonah Boys vs Mansfield Eagles on Redbank Plains Field 5 at 1.00pm
Congratulations to the above teams for making it to the Grand Finals – Good Luck!
Next Futsal Sign-on & Vikings registration issues
If you haven’t yet signed-on for Futsal this season, come along to the next Boonah Futsal sign-on Tue, September 6, 4pm – 6pm.
After signing-on with the club, players will need to register online with Vikings Futsal. When you sign-on we provide you with important information that will make registering with Vikings Futsal much easier and stress-free.
Had trouble registering online?
Some people have had difficulties recently when trying to register online at Vikings Futsal. These problems have now been fixed but it is important that you know which options to select when registering. If you are still having trouble with the process please pop into the next sign-on Tuesday Sept 6 to get more information.
Preliminary and semi-final results – Sat 27/08/11
A big congratulations to all the teams that played brilliantly today in trying conditions. Our U9 &U10s were both through to the preliminary final stage while our other teams were in their first round of semi-finals. If any teams have photos they would like posted please send them to scottmoff@gmail.com.
The U9 Boonah Hotfoots fought valiantly against St Catherine’s Reds at Jim Donald field. Despite our best efforts St Catherines won 1-0. A great season for our boys and coach Damian.
U10 Boonah Bulls went down 1-0 to Westiminister Sharks at Jim Donald field. A great season for the team, coach and supporters.
Our U11 Boonah Blaze were down 3-1 at half time to Logan Uniting at Britain Park only to level the score to 4 all with a couple of minutes to go. After several close calls for both teams in extra time it was still 4 all at the end of extra time. Boonah triumphed in the penalty shoot 3-2 with a final result of 7-6. Well done Boonah!
In semi-final results U12 Boonah Broncos lost to Beaudesert 2-1 at Calamvale College fields and our U13s went down to North Pine Hawks 2-1 at Peter Lightfoot Oval.
The U15/16 Girls defeated Silkstone Baptist 1-0 at Lowood Sports Ground. Excellent result girls. The U15/16 Boys were unlucky against the Mansfield Eagles at Worley Park – the final score 4-2 to Mansfield.
The club wishes the best of luck to our teams that continue their finals crusade!
Finals draw now available
The finals draw for this weekend for all teams is now available on the QCSA website.
U9 & U10 Semi-finals results
Congratulations to the the U9 and U10 teams, they both won their games last Saturday and have qualified for the Preliminary finals! U9 Boonah Hotfoots def Raceview Congregtional 2-1 and U10 Boonah Bulls def Brisbane Valley Eagles 2-1. Well done teams and good luck next Saturday! Venues and times for these games will be available soon.
Some timely thoughts as finals begin
A letter from Peter Smale (President QCSA) to all teams as we head into the finals season.
Semi Finals draw for U9 & U10
The Semi Final draw on Sat 20 August for U9 & U10 is now available on the QCSA website as follows:
U9: Boonah Hotfoots vs Raceview Congregational at 10.00am – Jim Donald Park 1, Madden St, Silkstone
U10: Boonah Bulls vs Brisbane Valley Eagles at 10.00am – Worley Park 1, Harding St, Raceview
Good luck to both teams!
UPDATED – Soccer Finals Information
The 2011 QCSA Semi Final & Grand Final Outline and the Finals Match Rules are now available:
Semi Final & Grand Final Outline (PDF 205KB)
Finals Match Rules (PDF 186KB)
August 2011 Newsletter
The Boonah Soccer Club newsletter for August 2011 is available. Download your copy of the Newsletter 3, August 2011 (PDF 165K).
Futsal Date Claimers – AGM & Sign-on
Futsal season is getting closer – be sure to note the following dates:
Futsal AGM 16th August at 7 pm
Futsal Sign-on
- 1st Sign-on is the 30th August at 4pm
- 2nd Sign-on is on the 6th September at 4 pm
Ritchies IGA Community Benefit Card
Next Friday Ritchies IGA take over SPAR and they will be introducing a Community Benefit Card to customers and .05% of their purchases will be donated to the charity, school or club of their choice. (E.g. Spend $2 and they donate $1.) This would be a great opportunity for the soccer club as a lot of families that play soccer shop in Boonah. Please consider the soccer club when choosing your nominated club for your Community Benefit Card. Ritchies anticipate that they will donate up to $3000 cash every month working on figures from current sales. That would be $36,000 a year! Please nominate the Boonah Soccer Club on your community benefit card.
Fundraiser for Blackstone Soccer Club
As you may be aware, our friends at Blackstone lost their clubhouse last year to a fire. They are holding a major fundraising event to help them get back on their feet. On Saturday, 30 July they will be holding a Human/Labour auction and a Cent Auction. Starting at 5pm for the Human/Labour Auction and then 7pm for the Cent Auction at Ipswich Bowls Club, Queens Park Ipswich.
All members of the Boonah Soccer Club are invited, so why not come along and support the club and enjoy a great night out. There will be tea/coffee and drinks and also light refreshments available. Any enquiries call Chris on 041 056 1956
Fixture changes
There have a few fixture changes lately. Please note the following:
- U15/16 Girls – Saturday 25th June (Rd 9/7) – Redbank Plains 2 (5:00 PM) – U15/16 Girls, Westminster v Boonah. Westminster is now the home team for this match. (This was originally to be played on May 28)
- Under 13 Division 3 – Round 17/15 has been deleted from the Under 13/3 comp, so as to make it a straight 14 round comp, therefore, playing each other twice.
- U11 Division4 – Round 17/15 has been deleted from the Under 11/4 comp, so as to make it a straight 14 round comp, therefore, playing each other twice.
Local businesses help Boonah U16 Girls nominate for Nationals in State Titles
What a fabulous and unforgettable June long weekend the Boonah ‘Da Booms’ Under 16 girls have had. Without the sponsorship and generous support given to us by Boonah Carrying Co, Boonah Hardware Mitre 10 and Cahill Building Contractors, along with Da Boom families support, we would not have been able to nominate our team to try out for the National team.
Da Booms Team- Front row: Hayley McLaren, Madeline Schumacher, Tegan Renz, Jennifer Burgess, Sara Hass, Makarla Bell, Ainsley McLaren, Middle: Coach Nic Comino, Ruby Spillman, Tahleia Strang, Kimberley Cahill, Emma Cahill, Jessica Milano, Phillip Cahill, Back: Dimity Comino, Molly Last, Samantha Conochie.Action from last weekend’s under 16 Daboom girls.
A first for QCSA
This is the first year in the history of Queensland Christian Soccer that the Association has had an under 16 girls team and boys team, in club soccer, state titles, and nationals, as we were invited by QSCA to play as a team, we wanted to be a part of it all. The State Titles were held over 3 days at Redbank Plains.
Friday night game
Our first game was on Friday night against Norths. Everyone arrived unsure what to expect, however we were all very excited and our spirits were flying. We played under lights for the first time ever and every one of the Da Boom girls were firing! The girls were very strong in both attacking and defence, rewarding us with our first win for the carnival, 4/nil. Our support group of friends and family cheered the girls on which helped to keep us all warm on a chilly night.
Saturday games
Saturday morning loomed grey and chilly and everyone arrived early rugged up with coats, blankets, scarves and beanies. On Saturday Da Boom played three very hard games. The first game against Wests was tight with the girls losing 2/1. This did not drop the girls’ spirits as they dusted this off and went out to play again with the determination to get control of the ball. The 2nd game was against Easts with a convincing win 5 nil. The last game for the day and probably the hardest as the girls were starting to run out of energy was against Wests again with a nil all draw. We were very proud of the girls’ games and their performance as a team. They worked in together, helped and supported each other both on and off the field. Not only that, they have respect for their opposition. Lucky for us all, there was no Soccer on Sunday, the girls were very tired and needed a much earned rest for the day.
Monday games
Monday arrived bright and sunny; the girls were both excited and anxious about the day ahead. The first game was against East, which was a tough game on sore bodies and spectators’ nerves. The final score for this game was nil all. The girls had a three hour break before the second and final game for the weekend. It was off to the lolly shop for a quick fix on sugar. They had a great chill out time as a team. Also time to watch some other games on the fields around them. Then it was time to concentrate on the job ahead. The team we played was Norths which was another hard game, with both teams scoring one goal each, resulting in another tied game.
Overall winners
The final part of the weekend was the presentation and naming of the 2011 State team for Under 16 Girls. Da Booms were very ecstatic to be announced the overall winners for the Under 16 girls, by 1 point. Congratulations Da Booms you have zoomed.
State Reps
Excitement peaked as four of our team members were selected to represent Queensland in Newcastle at the end of September for National Titles. Kimberley Cahill, Dimity Comino, Ainsley McLaren and Ruby Spillman are all off to Newcastle to compete at the next level. Congratulations girls, well done.
A very big thank you to the girls for the way you have conducted yourself on and off the field so far this year. Each and every one of you should be very proud, as we parents are. Thank you to the amazing cheer squad for your great support and encouragement for the team. Thank you coach Nic for your coaching skills and your time and effort you put in each week, we really appreciate it. Thankyou Phillip for stepping in and helping with the girls over this fabulous weekend. Parents thank you for your total support and team work, and once again big thanks to our Sponsors for your support.
Boonah Soccer Club is on Facebook
The Boonah Soccer Club is now on Facebook. The Club will use our Facebook page to help keep members up-to-date with announcements and events. Be sure to head over and hit the like button:
Updated Photos – Vikings Junior Regionals
Here are some photos of our Futsal players who are representing Boonah in regional teams. Well done guys!

U15 South West Boonah Girls Maddy Hoffmann, Jessica Milano and biggest Fan Cassandra Milano and Coach Cam

U14 South West Team Boonah girls Emma Roberson, Kimberley Cahill, Dimity Comino and Emily Hoffmann with Coach Andreas.
Vikings Futsal referee’s course
Book your spot for up-coming ref’s course in Brisbane. Vikings are currently taking reservations for an up-coming referee’s course to be held at Vikings Futsal Headquaters in Acacia Ridge, Brisbane on Saturday June 18th. Visit the Queensland Futsal website for more information and application form.
Club Newsletter May/June 2011
The latest club newsletter is available (PDF 217K) News includes:
- Team photos
- Boonah show demonstration game by U7s and U8s
- Lost and found
- Mega Soccer Camp…and much more
Boonah Soccer Club’s first ever U15/16 Girls Team
2011 Canteen roster posted
The 2011 canteen roster is now available online. Please see our Forms and documents page. It is vital that canteen helpers arrive on time to relieve the previous team. Your assistance with the canteen is much appreciated!
Soccer newsletter – March 2011
The first Boonah Soccer Club newsletter for 2011 is available. Download your copy of the newsletter (PDF 377K).
UPDATED – Positions vacant – please help
Management Committee positions of President and Registrar need to be filled. Fundraising Coordinators, Equipment Manager & Shop positions are also available.